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Jaume Farguell i Sitges.
Berguedà, president of the Casal d'Europa del Berguedà and active member of cultural organizations such as Òmnium and Amics del Romànic.
A graduate in Law and in Philosophy and Letters, throughout his professional activity he worked as a professor and lawyer.
From the beginning of democracy and for 25 years he was an active politician as nationalist mayor of Berga, president of the County Council and member of the Parliament of Catalonia.
Promoter of the reconstruction, in 2000 and in Berga, of the Swedish Pavilion at the Universal Exhibition Barcelona-1929, which is the headquarters of the Casal d'Europa, the Regional Archive and Òmnium Cultural. This initiative earned him the award of the Knight of the Order of the First Category Polar Star of Sweden.
Regular speaker on history, art and thought in Catalonia, as well as in many foreign countries (France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Croatia and the United States).
Regular author of articles in the newspaper "Regió7", and also of the books "El Berguedà, European echoes", "Stories of my country and the world" and "Peoples, people, ideas".